Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Food Fest Part I

Many of the Jewish holidays involve gathering with friends or family and enjoying large festive meals. Tonight ended the first 2 days of the festival of Sukkot. The unique aspect of Sukkot is that the festive meal, weather permitting, is eaten outside in a sukkah. A sukkah is a temporary structure built outside of the home that serves as a reminder of how the Jewish people dwelled in the desert during the exodus from Egypt. When I have a chance during the next few days, I will try and post some pictures of my sukkah. With the holiday starting so late this year, many of our friends we nervous we would have to eat side in cold weather. I was also concerned about getting sick. Fortunately for us here in NJ the weather was great and it was not uncomfortable to sit outside.

I was also fortunate the the holiday falls out during my taper. It is not in the spirit of the holiday for me to run so I did not feel as bad losing out on some miles. At sundown tonight the prohibitions of the holiday were lifted and I was able to run. Since it was dark, I went to the only place in town where it's safe to run at night, good ole Votee Park. I did an easy an easy 6.56 miles just to get out and work off some of the extra calories I consumed during the holiday.

The next week is going to be quite busy between catching up on work, and 2 more days of holidays next Tuesday and Wednesday. Then, it's down to D.C. next Thursday after work for MCM. It's hard to believe MCM is 10 days away.

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