Monday, December 3, 2012

The Big Four-Oh

That's right, yesterday my birthday, I turned the big FOUR-OH. That officially makes me a masters runner. A few people asked me how I felt about turning 40. Honestly, I feel no different today as a 40-year old than I did a few days ago as 39-year old.

Coach Jeff doesn't give a day off for birthdays so I started my day with almost 11 miles in the Palisades. I met up with Fernando and we chatted mostly about our plans for next year and how much we enjoy running the hills between Fort Lee and Alpine. I definitely need to run there more often, especially during the off-season. I think the hills will make me stronger as I gear up for my spring goal race (more on that soon). The run itself was great. It was a very foggy morning so it was difficult to see where the hills were. The fog also made the air thick which was not good for my asthma. I'd love to get a group run together sometime during the winter, it's really a great place to run.

Anyway...back to turning 40. Honestly, I feel better at 40 than I did at 30. I wasn't a runner at 30, I didn't take it up until I was 34. So I'm definitely fitter and healthier than I was at 30. If you were hoping for some deep thoughts about me turning 40, I'm sorry to disappoint. I'm not that type of person. I will be celebrating a bunch of time this week. Last night was with family, later this week will be friends. As for presents, I'm not sure, there will be no wild weekends in Vegas, no red sports cars, no Harleys. I will treat myself to something, but it will be something practical.

Thank you to everyone who wished me Happy Birthday on Facebook and Twitter. I had a great day.
Making birthday wishes

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